Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Teen Toolbox For Success & NJ Teacher suspended for telling truth

A New Jersey teacher was suspended last week for posting a Facebook message on her page that said she felt like a warden overseeing future criminals. However crude that sounds, it was not far from the truth backed up by statistics. Are parents and administrators overreacting?

We were joined today by Nicki Sanders of The Teen Toolbox, LLC. A youth organizations empowering youth to prepare for their future.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Colt 45 Blast presents problems in battle against underaged drinking

In case you missed Black Talk Radio Network's past program on Pabst Brewing targeting the urban (black) market with a fruity flavored 12% alcohol concoction they are calling Colt45 Blast. said "The FDA ban on alcoholic energy drinks creates a new opportunity for Pabst to make a splash in the high alc. flavored malt beverage market. Less than two weeks after the ban, Pabst registered In mid-December, the company filed a trademark application for the new line. Pabst has also created a new Twitter account to help promote the new products."


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Most people who have viewed the labeling have said that it looks less like an potent alcoholic drink and more like a one of those energy drinks promoted to young people. While we can not say for certain that Pabst Brewing is targeting underage drinkers with its colorful grafiti like packaging, we know that corporations have used cartoon characters in ad campaigns that critics said was meant to attract and hook children on their products.

How big of a problem is underage drinking in the United States and should parents and activist take a stand and start a "Just Say No" campaign against Pabst Brewing fruity concoction?

Truth Minista Paul Scott joins the Black Teen Empowerment Crew to discuss Colt45 Blast and how the community should respond.