Sunday, October 17, 2010

When Do Teens Get To Be Teens? Constitutional Argument

Today we will discuss whether or not a teen should be free to express his/her individuality. There are many stories reported through out the nation, where teens are sent home because of a haircut, hair style or some alleged clothing infraction. Many times the school’s policy is vague. Black teens are being targeted for being too “outside” of the cultural norms. Similarly, Muslim teens are discriminated against by what has become law in countries like France which bans head scarves and going after those who wear other cultural dress.

Recently a North Carolina student was told by a teacher that she had to put a pair of shorts on over her pants with no explanation but that her pants were inappropriate. The student handbook contained no section identifying “banned pants”. Are female students being punished for their body shape and made to feel like something is wrong with their bodies?

What do you do as a parent in these cases?

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