Sunday, November 21, 2010

The True Costs of Educating Our Children

There is a education debate going on across the country and none is more contentious than in a couple of counties in North Carolina where the NAACP has gotten involved.

With the economic downturn and so many people out of work, there has been a decrease in the amount of tax revenue municipalities take in and there many school systems have had a hard time meeting their budgets and have had to make cuts.

The much publicized education documentary "Waiting for Superman" cites that some of the most successful charter schools like SEED charter school spend about $35,000 per student to get its great academic results.

Yet some successful schools like Harding University High school in Charlotte, NC do not spend nearly that much per student and yet has comparable success.

What is the true cost of education our children and is spending more money always the answer? What time in the time that parents spend in participating in their child's development.

Money should never be a hindrance to learning so lets look at this problem and discuss some solutions.

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