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Madeline Long-Gill, Chief Operating Officer for >G2 Media, a low cost alternative to cable TV offering 50 cable channels for $18.95. The service will be available beginning spring 2011. Through a patent pending cable delivery method, subscribers will receive 50 channels including CNN, Discovery, and the new Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) for $18.95 per month. With G2 Media, there is no need to wait hours for a cable installer. Customers simply plug their existing Internet connection into the free set top box then attach the box to their television and enjoy watching their favorite cable television content at a fraction of the cost of similar services. G2 Media is committed to providing a truly affordable alternative to traditional cable television making cable services affordable for all consumers.
Madeline is also the founder of Every Step Counts, a nonprofit advocacy organization working to end violence against women and children and the coordinator of the Forest Park Center for Family Service, an on campus center designed to address domestic, family and sexual violence on a college campus. Visit their website at www.estepco.org.
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