Thursday, January 27, 2011


ATLANTA, GA — African American youth across the country are constantly battling the ailments of society from gangs and drugs, to poverty and prison. But a new coalition of Black entrepreneurs has come up with a way to INSPIRE! young people across the nation through a remarkable collaboration of resources and intelligence.

The INSPIRE! Movement, launched by young scholar and powerful lecturer, Jamaal Brown and groundbreaking youth movement coordinator, R. Lee Gordon, is a commitment to assemble the rich resources of the national community to dramatically change the lives of young African Americans for the better.

Established as a collaborative effort, the INSPIRE! Movement brings business owners, educators, and way-makers together for one cause.

“The purpose of the INSPIRE! Movement is to actively build a more beautiful and enriching life for our youth,” says Brown, creator of the first Black365 Calendar. “It was created so that individuals who were not only interested in helping African American youth, but also who were actually doing so - by way of products, services and individual movements - could pool their collective energies to make a significant impact in the lives of African American youth in this country, and potentially beyond.”

This spring, the leaders of INSPIRE! will be kicking off the movement’s inaugural Black Youth Summit Tour in Atlanta.

By supporting one another’s businesses, participants of the INSPIRE! Movement not only manifest cooperative economics, but they also generate mounting funds for scholarships, grants, and culturally relevant products for African American youth.

Overall, the movement’s partners desire to ignite a fire of excitement for Black History and unity among youth across America. And with the help of more like-minded individuals, young African Americans will begin to recognize the greatness within them.

“We’re asking people to inform us about youth programs, activities, events and opportunities so we can post these resources on our website. We believe too many of our children fall to the streets because we fail to put positive things on their paths,” explained Gordon, who is also founder of The National Black TEEN Empowerment Expo.

The INSPIRE! Movement has gained the support of well-respected business leaders like Dexter Humphrey of, Hugh Gaddy of Black in Time Enterprises, Loretta Faith Harris of CH Publishing, Joan Gosier of HBCU Kidz, and Anthony Hall of The Rose of Education.

Learn more about the INSPIRE! Movement at

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