Sunday, January 16, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr. The Civil Rights Movement & Youth

January 15th was the birthdate of Martin Luther King Jr and on Monday the nation honors him with a national holiday. Dr. Kings dream was that one day this nation would be a better place for future youth regardless of their creed, color or ethnicity. Unfortunately violence instead of peace has remained ingrained in the fabric of our current society and the struggle for social justice has been replaced by the quest for material things.

The civil rights struggle led by Dr. King focused on youth involvement and many youth of that day were inspired to man the frontlines in the war against injustice. Today the civil rights struggle and more importantly the struggle for human rights stands stagnant as today's youth are bombarded with media promoting immorality and materialism. At one time Dr. King lauded Black Radio for its role in the civil rights movement but today Black radio and the entertainment industry are the main sources of the curruption of our youth.

Join us for this special broadcast of Black Teen Empowerment Radio at 8:00 PM EST as we listen to some of Dr. King's speeches, review some of his qoutes and listen to music celebrating the legacy of a man of consciousness and direct action.

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